I was watching a video on Instagram, it seemed like a scene from a movie in which an old man tells a young lady how he spent all his life scared, frightened of things that could happen, might happen, or might not happen … 50 years he spent like that, finding himself awake at 3 AM thinking about all his fears but since he has been diagnosed with cancer, he sleeps just fine … he came to realize that fear is the real enemy that needs to be kicked in the teeth.
I am not a free-spirited person, I was raised in a relatively strict environment, but I was never a disciplined child – I don’t recall that but my family’s friends keep telling stories about me hitting other kids and breaking their things – although the more I grew up … the more I became a “Good” person who fit the group requirement to be accepted.
I don’t know what happened that made me trade myself with other people’s approval and acceptance … maybe I wasn’t questioning and just obeying as it is something mandatory not optional… and lots of people fall into following what the majority do as it is the safe and right thing to do until things went wrong. You realize late that what fits your sibling doesn’t necessarily fit you and what your dad likes you don’t have to like.
The more I dive into my negative feelings, the more I realize that nothing in this life is worth being sad and upset about … literally nothing! but at the same time, we need to care and make things important to get motivated and accomplish something positive in this life.
That is why the community that you surround yourself with is significant, you need to live your life with purpose, and you should have plans and a reason to keep you survive when things get rough … Yes, sometimes things might seem silly, and sometimes you will question yourself why you need to go through all the boring hard process? But life lies between these daily boring routines, the morning cup of coffee, the plant that you water it, the food you make for the family, the work you do even if you don’t want, to get paid … life lies in the good mood you feel after you get ready and spray the nice perfume you have before leaving your home, it is lies in the morning greet you do to your neighbor, colleague and the service people you met throughout the day.
Our minds are very powerful tools, as they can make us accomplish big things … they can make us live in delusion and nothing can make us delusional more than being afraid and overthinking instead of jumping and doing what we are afraid of. Some fears just live in our minds that’s why I encourage you to move forward and do the first steps and the more you move the more the path becomes clearer.
So … Break the cycle of fear and do your first step, everything great starts small!
💖💖💖 it’s by time to break that cycle .
We have old proverb like a “ good intention is already half of work “
The truth that we never were told is dreams are real and you have to work on it through years to accomplish, to achieve. It’s life path that has beginning but no ending as we are humankind always have something to dream of .
Many of us , just look to the life that YOU have right now with grace and gratitude and look back to the path that you have done due to years just to realize that most of things that you were dreaming about was impossible by that time when you were just dreaming about it , but now you are here with that accomplishment but still with a doubts that dreams are not true .
Definitely, we were not raised with a strong beliefs about our being , our capabilities…
Thank you for state ,
As always deep .